Yes, we do have some order! I've figured out what I'm doing.
I'm using my Newgrounds account as a home for my instrumentals.
I'm using my Youtube account as a home for songs with vocals.
^____^ Even though NG stresses me out sometimes with the fact that nobody reviews anymore and i get the occasional ZERO BOMB for no reason (I know my songs might not be everyone's cup of tea, but there's nothing so shittily made it deserves a zero. -_-)
But I enjoy it here. Something about it keeps me coming back, and it's not just the hentai games.
I rather enjoy your songs. :) I even checked out your blog. I've noticed that sometimes on NG people will spratically just down vote things for no apparent reason. I think you are doing great tho! :3 Keep 'em coming! ~Nina
Yes, I've known a few people to tell me themselves that they go into a genre and just vote everything lower without listening so that their own songs can appear closer to the top. -_---
So good feedback is a bit difficult to come by.
Thanks for this comment, and I'm glad you enjoy the music! Hope you keep coming back.